70 Funny Turnip Jokes
Get ready to enjoy our hilarious selection of turnip jokes that will make your day laugh! with the funny turnip jokes and turnip puns, so let the laughter begin!
Here are the top 70 Funny turnip jokes to make your weekend with a laugh. These are the funniest jokes about turnip humor for both kids and adults which they are going to love with a laugh.

Turnip Jokes
- Why did the turnip blush? It saw the salad dressing!
- How did the turnip get to work? It took the tuber-n!
- What do you call a funny looking turnip? A weird-nip!
- Why couldn’t the turnip focus in class? He was easily dis-tractor!
- Why was the turnip banned from the supermarket? He kept turning up everywhere!
- What did one turnip say to the other on Valentine’s Day? “I yam so in love with you!”
- How do turnips stay connected underground? Through their root vegetables!
- What did the turnip name his son? Chip, after his chip off the old block!
- Why was the turnip upset? He got beet!
- What kind of shoes do turnips wear? Turn-ups!
- Why was the turnip the life of the party?
He was a riot and a funny guy – a real turn-up for the books! - How did the turnip propose to his girlfriend? He got down on one knee-pee!
- Why are turnips the most mysterious vegetables? Because they have so many layers!
- What did the baby turnip get for his birthday? A pony, but it was just a small swede prize!
- Why did the turnip skip class? He decided to turn-up absent!
- Why was the turnip shocked? He saw a leeky pipe!
- What do you call a weird looking turnip? A turn-ip that wasn’t right!
- Why was the turnip late to work? He got stuck in turn-ip traffic!
- How do turnips cheer each other up? They give pep talks and turn-ip that frown upside down!
- What did the turnip say when he crashed his car? “Ah turn-ip, I’m in a real pickle now!”
- Why are turnips the most positive vegetables? Because they turn-ip that frown into a smile!
- What did the turnip say to the carrot? Quit trying to turn-ip the beet, we’re good friends!

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Funny Turnip Jokes
- Why was the turnip such a great DJ? He knew how to turn-ip the beet!
- Why was the turnip speaker so inspiring? Their message really turned-ip the room!
- What do you call a turnip that works on a farm? A turn-ip truck!
- Why did the turnip win the vegetable race? It took advantage of a turn-ip for the books!
- How did the turnip become a Hollywood star? It had some really famous turn-ips in its family!
- What do you call a turnip that makes you laugh? A funny turn-ip!
- Why was the turnip out of breath? It was being chased by a bunch of radishes!
- What kind of exercise do lazy turnips do? Turn-up bands!
- How did the turnip get in shape? Lots of planks and turn-up crunches!
- Why are turnips bad at telling secrets? They always turn-ip the gossip and spill the tea!
- Why was the turnip crying? He was feeling really emotional – it was a real turn-up for the books!
- How do turnips commune with nature? They turn-ip and meditate!
- What did one turnip say to console the other? “Turn-ip that frown, it’ll all be okay.”
- Why was the turnip accepted into art school? His portfolio really turned some heads!
- Why was the turnip tense before his job interview? He was afraid of being grilled!
- Why are turnips excellent life coaches? They know how to turn-ip your outlook on life!
- How did the turnip save money on his renovation? He got turn-ips from the hardware store!
- Why are turnips bad at keeping secrets? They turn-ip and tell everyone!
Funny Turnip Puns
- Be careful not to turnip the volume too loud on those speakers!
- Turnip for the books! I can’t believe how huge my harvest is this year.
- Quit turniping your feet during class – it’s distracting!
- Kids turnip so fast these days – my daughter’s already walking everywhere.
- Don’t turnip your nose at these veggies – turnip greens are delicious!
- Turnip it, the noise is too much. I can’t hear myself think!
- Stop turniping the clock and get to bed on time for once!
- Ew, turnip that moldy bread – it’s gone bad!
- Turnip your coat collar, it’s freezing outside today.
- Be careful not to turnip your ankle in those muddy fields.
- Turnip the beet, dinner’s almost ready!
- I’m so turnip to speed in this fast new car!
- You’ve got a little turnip on your shirt from lunch.
- I can’t believe she would turnip her nose at that job offer.
- Turnip while the pan is hot to cook the veggies perfectly.
- She turniped up the volume to max and blew out my speakers!
- I’m going to turnip early tonight, I’m exhausted.
- Turnip your sleeves, it’s time to get to work in the garden.
- Don’t turnip the corner so fast, you’ll cause an accident!
- Uncle Jerry really turnipped up the party with his wild antics.
- I need to turnip the brightness on this monitor, it’s so dim.
- Turnip your ideas for this project – we want creative solutions.
- I’m so nervous I feel like my stomach is going to turnip-side down!
- She turniped up her heels and stomped off angrily.
- He was turniping up his toes worried about his big interview.
- Turnip to the left up ahead to get to the farm stand.
- I accidentally wore mismatched socks today – how embarrassing!
- Your watch must be fast, time is turniping by so quick!
- The rain is really coming down hard – make sure to turnip your hood.
- I think your lights are dim, you need to turnip the brightness.
I hope these turnip puns bring a smile to your face! Enjoy the turnip humor!
Final Thoughts
I hope these additional funny turnip jokes brought a smile to your face! Remember, so feel free to share these with friends and family to spread the laughter!
If you want to laugh more here is a list of more funny jokes that you gonna love and laugh at: