30 Funny Toilet Jokes
Get ready to enjoy our hilarious selection of toilet jokes that will make your day flash! with the best toilet jokes so let the laughter begin!
Here are the top 30 Hilarious Toilet jokes to make your weekend with a laugh. These are the funniest jokes about toilet humor for both kids and adults which they are going to love with a laugh.
Toilet Jokes
- Why was the toilet always so sad? It had too many flushbacks!
- What’s a toilet’s favorite type of music? Funk and bowel!
- Why did the toilet paper roll down the hill? It wanted to get to the bottom!
- What did one toilet say to the other? “You look flushed!”
- How does a toilet bid farewell? By saying, “I’m going to take a seat now!”
- Why do toilets make great comedians? They always have potty humor!
- What did the toilet say to the roll of toilet paper? “You complete me!”
- How did the toilet paper propose to the tissue? It got down on one ply!
- Why did the toilet paper need therapy? It was feeling wiped out!
- What do you call a toilet that sings? A loo-performing artist!
- How did the toilet paper roll learn karate? It watched too many bathroom breakdancing videos!
- Why did the toilet bowl refuse to go to the party? It didn’t want to be the bowl of the ball!

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Best Toilet Jokes
- What do you call a ghost in the bathroom? A potty poltergeist!
- Why was the toilet paper running in circles? It was on a roll!
- How do you make a tissue dance? Put a little boogie in it, flush it in the toilet, and watch it swirl!
- What’s a toilet’s favorite book? Flush Gordon and the Porcelain Throne!
- Why did the toilet paper go to the movies alone? It just had a thing for single-ply screenings!
- What did the toilet say to the bathroom door? “Please, don’t be ajar!”
- Why did the scarecrow start a job as a toilet cleaner? It wanted a “plunger” career!
- How does a bathroom sink apologize? “Sorry, it’s basin my nature!”
- What did one toilet say to the other at the party? “Let’s get flush and make a splash!”

- Why did the toilet paper jump off the roof? It wanted to feel free-falling!
- How do you hypnotize a toilet? With toilet-tree inductions!
- What’s a toilet’s favorite holiday dessert? Poop-kin pie!
- Why did the toilet paper roll cross the road? Because it wanted to come out on the other side, obviously!
- How do toilets party? They make sure to bring the flushments!
- Why did the toilet give up on its dreams of becoming a stand-up comedian? Its career was going down the drain!
- What did one toilet say to the other during a race? “May the flush be with you!”
- How does a toilet get a promotion? By proving it can handle high-pressure situations!
- Why was the toilet paper angry? It was in a roll!
I hope these toilet jokes bring a smile to your face! Enjoy the toilet humor!
Final Thoughts
We brought you hilarious toilet jokes and humor, keep these jokes in mind, and remember to smile because these can be your hoot! and can be a source of laughter too! Hope these jokes bring joy to your world!
If you want to laugh more here is a list of more funny jokes which you gonna love and laugh at: