67 Grape Puns To Make Your Day
Get ready to enjoy our hilarious selection of grape puns that deliver the laughs into your day! with some grape jokes, and grape jokes one-liners! so let the laughter begin!
Here are the top 67 funny grape puns to make your weekend with a laugh. These are the funniest jokes about grape humor for both kids and adults which they are going to love with a laugh.

Funny Grape Puns
- Why was the grape so popular? It had a lot of a-peel!
- What kind of shorts do grapes wear? Grape cut-offs!
- How do grapes stay cool in summer? They sit by the pun-k!
- Why didn’t the grape buy a house? He couldn’t get a mort-gage!
- How do grapes communicate? With vine-yards!
- What’s a grape’s favorite TV show? Raisin the Bar!
- What do you call an environmentally conscious grape? Green!
- Why do grapes make good detectives? Because they always get to the vini-gret of things!
- What did one grape say to the other while looking for the wine cellar? “Where can that wine be?”
- What kind of cups do grapes love drinking from? Vine-yards!
- How do grapes stay protected from the sun? With sun-screen!
- Why was the grape laughed at? It had a funny vein!
- What did the mama grape say to her whining son? “Stop wine-ing!”
- Why was the grape bullied? It didn’t fit vine!
- Why are grapes bad at marriage proposals? Because they always get cold feet!

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Funny Grape Jokes
- How do grapes sun-tan on the beach? On their bell-vines!
- What do grapes say when they toast? “Let’s vine out together!”
- Why was the grape feeling down? It was raisin depression awareness!
- Why was the grape feeling chilly? It left its jacket vine-yard!
- What kind of music do grapes like best? Vineyard rock!
- What’s a grape’s favorite snack? Raisins!
- What do you call a really bubbly grape? Effer-vescent!
- Why was the grape sick and tired when he came home? He had a long, hard vein-yard day at work!
- Why are grapes the most popular fruit? Because they have mass a-peel!
- What’s a grape’s favorite exercise? Vine-robics!
- What’s a grape’s favorite thing to put on toast? Jelly!
- How does a grape make the soil less acidic? It sweetens it with its vine-gar!
- What did one grape say to the other while stomping the freshly picked grapes?
“What a fun vine-tage!” - Why was the raisin feeling crumby? He used to be a fine grape!
- What kind of plates do grapes eat from? Fine vine-yard china!
- Why was the grape such a picky eater? It always wine-d about bitter flavors!
- Why was the grape so motivated to get in shape? She wanted to raise the bar(re)!
- How did the grapes celebrate a great harvest? With a vine party!
- What did the grape say when he got stepped on? “I guess life gave me lemons!”
- Why do grapes make the best therapists? They know how to wine people down!
- What do you call a frozen grape? A chilled vine!
- What do you get if you cross a grape with a melon? A water-vine!

Grape Jokes One Liner
- The vineyard was busy harvesting plump, juicy grapes for winemaking.
- When grapes get wrinkly, that means it’s time to raisin the roof!
- These sour grapes are really making me pucker.
- Be careful not to slip on those fallen grapes – we don’t need any raisin injuries!
- I made grape popsicles by freezing Concord grapes with sweet syrup.
- We better get to the grape early if we want first pick at the farmer’s market.
- Nothing beats a refreshing bunch of red grapes on a hot summer day!
- The grape stomping festival really had people bursting out of their vines laughing.
- When grapes turn into raisins, you could say they’re raisin the steaks.
- Looks like a storm is bruin – we better round up the grapes before it hails!
- Grape expectations can really get you in a jam sometimes.
- These sour grapes are leaving me with a real pucker face.
- We made grape jelly from the leftover Concord juice – nothing goes to wine waste!
- Be careful not to bruise those tender grapes with your grape stomping!
- The vintner aged the grapes to achiever the perfect bouquet for his vintage wine.
- With these concord grapes, we’ll be raisin the roof with our homemade jam!
- Looks like a real grape crusher headed our way – let’s get these grapes in the barn!
- The winemaker checked the sugar levels of the grape juice before yeast inoculation.
- That bunch of grapes has one real diva – madame pink pants is ripe for the picking!
- Some real stinkers in that grape harvest, we’ll have to sort the moldy ones.
- My favorite grape jam on toast – c’est magnifique!
- Nothing beats slipping on squishy rotten grapes when harvesting the vineyard!
- Looks like rain could cause a real smash up in the vineyard tonight.
- That big poupon grape won first prize in the county fare for size!
- Something is seriously bunching up my grape harvesting schedule today.
- My feet are killing me after that grape stomp workout!
- Nothing like sampling freshly harvested Concord grapes right off the vine.
- We better get these moscato grapes inside before the birds swoop in.
- Grape minds think alike when it comes to our mutual love of vino!
- These puckeringly sour grapes are going to make killer verjuice!
I hope these grape one liners bring a smile to your face! Enjoy the grapes humor!
Final Thoughts
I hope these additional funny grape puns brought a smile to your face! Remember, so feel free to share these with friends and family to spread the laughter!
If you want to laugh more here is a list of more funny jokes that you gonna love and laugh at: