58 Hilarious Cowboy Jokes
Get ready to enjoy our hilarious selection of cowboy jokes that will crack up your day with cowboy puns and cowboy one-liners, so let the laughter begin!
Here are the top 58 funny cowboy jokes to make your weekend with a laugh. These are the funniest jokes about cowboy humor which you are going to love with a laugh.

Funny Cowboy Jokes
- What do you call a sleepy cowboy? A nappie cowpoke!
- Where do cowboys cook their meals? On the range!
- What do you call a cowboy who steps in manure? Poop along Cassidy!
- How does a cowboy start his day? He reins in the morning!
- What do you call a cowboy ghost? The Phantom Wrangler!
- Why don’t cowboys need life insurance? Because the odds are they won’t yee their haw!
- What do you get when you cross a cowboy with an octopus? An eight-armed bandit!
- Why didn’t the pony want to lift weights? He didn’t want to be a stallion!
- Why don’t cowboys Have Facebook accounts? They prefer to avoid any poke requests!
- How did the cowboy comedian die? Somebody shot him dead-pan.
- Why don’t cowboys Wear watches? Because they’d rather herd time!
- What do you call a cowboy parked on your property? A trespasser!
- How do you make a cowboy omelette? Crack a few yolks in a skillet and ranch it up!
- What do you call a cowboy who stepped in quicksand? A sinking cowpoke!

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Old Cowboy Jokes
- Why don’t cowboys ever lose gambling? Because they always hit the jackpot!
- Why didn’t the young cowboy want to move out on his own? He was hunkered down!
- What do you get if you cross a cowboy with an entrepreneur? An axe-grinder!
- Where do tired cowboys take a bath? In the tub a spurts!
- Why are cowboy families so close? Because they brand together!
- What do you call a cowboy who sits around? A saddle bum!
- Why do cowboys wear spurs? To spur themselves on when they’re working!
- Why was the rodeo cowboy so bowlegged? Years of riding spread ’em!
- What do cowboys put on top of their barns? Ranch dressing!
- What do you call a cowboy who sang 70’s disco songs? The Hustle Wrangler!
- Why don’t cowboys yell at their horses to go faster? They don’t want to look like a nagger!
- What did the cowboy call his dog with no legs? Cigarette, because he could take him out for a drag!
- Why don’t cowboys ever get lost? They always know the territory!
- Why did the cowboy adopt a wiener dog? He wanted to get a little dogie!
- What do you call a cowboy who rides an old horse? A sentimental stallion!
- Why don’t cowboys Wear Stetsons? They prefer cowboy hats instead!
- What do you call a horse that lives next door to a cowboy? A neigh-bor!
- Why are cowboy hats shaped funny? So cattle have something to laugh at!
- Why do cowboys make bad barber? All they know how to do is ponytails!
- Why was the cowboy so good with a lasso? It was a rope of cake.
- What do you call a cowboy who sings country music? A ranch and roller.
- That horse looks a little hoarse.
- Cowboys like to eat beans because they’re good for the heart.
- The cowboy entered a saloon and sidled up to the bar.
- I asked the cowboy if I could ride his horse and he said, “Hay, it’s okay with me.”
- The cowboy was riding into town and had to pass some hay fields.
- The cowboy’s favorite ride was the bucking bronco. It gave him a kick.
- The cowboy loved to play Rachmaninoff’s compositions on the piano. He liked that Russian ranch and roll.

Funny Cowboy Puns
- The cowboy was so good with knots and rope he decided to start a macrame business on the side.
- I asked the cowboy why his chaps had fringes. He said it was a suede thing.
- The cowboy went to bed early because he wanted to get a good rancher’s sleep.
- That cowboy is so muscular he’s a real stallion.
- The cowboy was admired for his kindness and calm demeanor.
- Why was the cowboy’s voice so raspy? Too much yellin’ on the range.
- The cowboy loved listening to traditional western lament songs known as cattleack.
- The cowboy entered the saloon dressed all in black leather. He was an urban cowpoke.
- The cowboy was a fan of martial arts films. His favorite was Ranch Contact.
- Why are cowboy hats shaped so peculiarly? So cattle have something to laugh at.
- The rodeo cowboy decided to endorse a brand of western footwear called Boots N’ Saddles.
- That young buckaroo has real potential as a deputy cowboy someday.
- The cowboy chronicled his adventures on the lone prairie in an autobarnography.
- The cowboy was a real straight shooter when target practicing with his six shooter.
- The rodeo cowboy loved listening to Beethoven. He was an off the ranch fan of classical moosic.
- The cowboy was a real whiz with a lasso. He roped that calf in record time.
Hope you got a kick out of those corny cowboy jokes! share this silly cowboy humor with your friends.
Final Thoughts
We brought you hilarious cowboy jokes and humor, keep these jokes in mind, and remember to smile because these are hard like cowboys! and can be a source of laughter too! Hope these jokes bring joy to your world!
If you want to laugh more here is a list of more funny jokes which you gonna love and laugh at: