73 Hilarious Apple Jokes
Get ready to enjoy our hilarious selection of apple jokes that will keep the doctor away, with apple puns and one-liners, I am sure they gonna make you laugh. So let the laughter begin!
Here are the top 73 Hilarious apple jokes to make you fruitless with a laugh. These are the funniest jokes about apple humor which you are going to love with a laugh. These apple jokes are both for kids and adults.

Apple Jokes
- Why did the apple turn red? Because it was em-barrassed!
- Why couldn’t the apple get a date? Because he was a bad seed!
- What do you call two apples that can’t get married? Fruitless!
- Why was the rotten apple thrown out of school? For bad behavior!
- What do apples do when they get stressed? They crisp up!
- How do apples communicate? With iMessage!
- Why don’t apples ever fly? They don’t have wings, silly!
- What’s an apple’s favorite drink? Apple cider!
- Why did the apple go out with a fig? Because they couldn’t find dates!
- What do you call an apple from outer space? An alien fruit!
- Why did Eve want to date the apple instead of Adam? He was more appeeling!
- Why do apples make good teachers? Because they are full of core values!
- How does an apple stop a charging bull? Taurus!
- What do you call two apples baked into a pie? Apple pair!
- Why did the apple turn to juice? It saw the squeezer coming!
- What’s an apple’s least favorite month? Sep-tem-burrr!

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Best Apple Jokes
- What do you call an apple that borrows money? A loan fruit!
- Why was the apple so upset? Its best friend was a vegetable!
- Why don’t apples make good comedians? Because their jokes are too corny!
- What’s an apple’s favorite dance move? The salsa!
- What do you call two apples hitting each other really hard? Applesauce!
- Why don’t apples ever win stare contests? They blink too much!
- How does an apple stop a charging bull? He yells “Red!”
- What do you call an apple from outerspace? A space fruit!
- Why did the apple turn red? It was tomato‘d!
- What do you call an apple that cleans the house? A sweep fruit!
- Why did the apple go out with a banana? It couldn’t find a date!
- What do you call an apple with a short temper? A crab-apple!
- Why did Eve want to date the apple instead of Adam? He was more a-peel-ing!
- Why did the apple blush? It saw the banana’s skin!
- How does an apple impersonate a banana? It puts on a peel!
- What’s an apple’s favorite magazine? Cosmopolitan…I’ll see myself out.
- Why do apples make good teachers? Because they have a lot of core values!
- Why did the apple turn to juice? Because it didn’t workout enough!

Apple Puns
- An apple a day keeps the doctor away…but if the doctor is cute, forget the fruit!
- Don’t compare apples to oranges, unless you’re talking about fruit salad.
- Apple picking is fruitless if you’re not careful about ladders.
- Baking apple pies is easy as pie as long as you have the right recipes.
- Eating apples makes me feel peachy keen!
- Apple bottoms are the best bottoms, jeans or fruit.
- Quit dragon your feet and get picking those apples!
- These apple puns are guaranteed to give you your daily dose of vitamin puns!
- I apple-ogize if you find these puns annoying, I just can’t help myself!
- Orange you glad I didn’t say banana again? Okay, apple-ogies, I’ll stop!
- Apple maps are helpful when you’re lost, but google has more appeal.
- My apple watch ticks me off when I don’t get all my steps in.
- Slow and steady wins the race said the Tortoise as he pestered the Hare. You’re pear-fect just as you are! said the wise old Apple.
- I wanted to make an apple cake but all the recipes were a pie in the sky idea.
- If Apple made cars, would they have windows?
- I wanted to grape about how bad these puns were, but I figured wine not give it a try.
- Orange you having a good time? These apple puns are a-peeling!
- I ate so many apples I got a sore core!
- An apple a day keeps the doctor away, but grapes can also work. Wine not give it a try?
- I was apple to think of twenty apple puns, but it looks like I’m already done!
Apple Jokes One Liner
- I wanted to bake an apple pie but all the recipes seemed a little crusty.
- Apple picking is a-peeling if you can reach the top branches.
- Eve’s decision to eat the apple must have been a no-brainer.
- If Apple made cars, would they have windows?
- The apple fell far from the tree and now it can’t get back up.
- I ate so many apples, I got a sore core!
- Apple maps said to turn left…now I’m lost in a pear orchard!
- These apple puns are really scraping the bottom of the barrel.
- Quit dragon your feet and get apple picking!
- I wanted to make apple cider but all the recipes were too hard to follow.
- I entered my apple pie in the county fair but it didn’t win – I guess it wasn’t a-peeling enough!
- I was gonna tell an apple joke but I realized they were all rotten.
- Why did Eve eat the apple? She took a bite out of crime!
- I’m pine-apple to meet you, apple of my eye!
- Apple of discord? This apple just wants harmony!
- How do you organize an apple party? You planet!
- If apples could talk, they’d probably just complain about falling off trees all day.
- I tried to compare apples and oranges but fruit salad was the only thing that made sense.
- I wanted to make an apple cake but soon realized it was a pie in the sky idea.
I hope these apple jokes bring a smile to your face! Enjoy the apple humor!
Final Thoughts
We brought you hilarious apple jokes and humor, keep these jokes in mind, and remember to smile because these can be your Vitamins jokes! and can be a source of laughter too! Hope these jokes bring joy to your world!
If you want to laugh more here is a list of more funny jokes which you gonna love and laugh at: